Each Day, Each Night

I am grateful for each day... And each night

Each night is like a funeral... 

For my soul for the day... 

And I die feeling solace, 

embracing my traumas... 

And I die with pleasure in my mind...

And at the dawn of each day... I resurrect

Like a Phoenix from 

the ashes of my funeral pyre ... 

Burned ashes of my fears, 

depression, sorrow and others that 

victimised my mind for ages... 

I resurrect each day with new hopes 

To make a mark upon the earth... 

But alas! 

Nothing great comes out of me 

Yet I delight in being born each day... 

Cherishing the golden rays of the sun 

Enjoying the caress of the winds.... 

Sleeping on the rain drenched grass

Enjoying delicious dishes, 

Thus finding pleasure in the small joys and 

Sorrows that each day offers... 

