Oh! Mother Earth!


We have met before

Oh mother Earth!

We have met before...

When you still bloomed 

in new sprouts

and were not predated 

by viruses and filthy men...

Oh mother Earth!

We have truly met before...

When the rivers flowed 

in richness and grandeur...

And I swam across it’s depths 

like a tiny fish

embracing the cool waters 

in earthly joy....

On mother Earth!

We have really met before...

When your skies covered 

the expanse of air above me 

in bright blue... and

when it rained on time... 

And I danced in those 

pearl like showers that

replenished the ground 

below my feet with 

hope of new blossoms...

But alas! Long lost are 

all those days, months and years.... 

When I slept on your lap,

weaving green dreams, 

singing along with the birds

When my face was lit by 

the sight of new flowers

And when I danced along 

with the winds.

But now rolling in despair am I, 

trying to wake you up 

from your sleep...

Rise up oh mother Earth!

Longing am I to see you clothed 

in bright green ropes...

Into your arms, I surrender myself...

Rise up! Put an end 

to this viral uncertainty

That preys upon you 

and your folks...

Oh mother Earth!

We have truly met before... 

And we will soon meet again...

